yml_reference() creates YAML fields for references to be used in citation. reference() is a simple function to add references to yml_reference(). The easiest way to add references to an R Markdown file is to use a bibliography file, such as .bib, in the bibliography field (see yml_citations()). For documents with very few references, however, it might be useful to make the references self-contained in the YAML. yml_reference() can also transform to YAML bibentry and citation objects created bybibentry() and citation(). To cite many R packages and convert the references to YAML, it may be better to use knitr::write_bib() to write a bibliography file and convert it with bib2yml().

yml_reference(.yml, ..., .bibentry = NULL)

reference(id = NULL, ...)



a yml object created by yml(), as_yml(), or returned by a yml_*() function


Fields relevant to the citation (e.g. bibtex fields)


An object created by bibentry() or citation(). Note that this requires pandoc-citeproc to be installed.


a character vector to use as the reference ID


a yml object


ref <- reference(
  id = "fenner2012a",
  title = "One-click science marketing",
  author = list(
    family = "Fenner",
    given = "Martin"
  `container-title` = "Nature Materials",
  volume = 11L,
  URL = "https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat3283",
  DOI = "10.1038/nmat3283",
  issue = 4L,
  publisher = "Nature Publishing Group",
  page = "261-263",
  type = "article-journal",
  issued = list(
    year = 2012,
    month = 3

yml() %>%
#> ---
#> date: '`r format(Sys.Date())`'
#> reference:
#> - id: fenner2012a
#>   title: One-click science marketing
#>   author:
#>     family: Fenner
#>     given: Martin
#>   container-title: Nature Materials
#>   volume: 11
#>   URL: https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat3283
#>   DOI: 10.1038/nmat3283
#>   issue: 4
#>   publisher: Nature Publishing Group
#>   page: 261-263
#>   type: article-journal
#>   issued:
#>     year: 2012.0
#>     month: 3.0
#> ---

# from ?bibentry
bref <- c(
     bibtype = "Manual",
     title = "boot: Bootstrap R (S-PLUS) Functions",
     author = c(
       person("Angelo", "Canty", role = "aut",
         comment = "S original"),
       person(c("Brian", "D."), "Ripley", role = c("aut", "trl", "cre"),
         comment = "R port, author of parallel support",
         email = "ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk")
     year = "2012",
     note = "R package version 1.3-4",
     url = "https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=boot",
     key = "boot-package"

     bibtype = "Book",
     title = "Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications",
     author = as.person("Anthony C. Davison [aut], David V. Hinkley [aut]"),
     year = "1997",
     publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
     address = "Cambridge",
     isbn = "0-521-57391-2",
     url = "http://statwww.epfl.ch/davison/BMA/",
     key = "boot-book"
# \donttest{
# requires pandoc-citeproc to be installed
yml() %>%
  yml_reference(.bibentry = bref)
#> ---
#> date: '`r format(Sys.Date())`'
#> ---

yml() %>%
  yml_reference(.bibentry = citation("purrr"))
#> ---
#> date: '`r format(Sys.Date())`'
#> ---
# }